Types of Therapy
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT helps individuals to recognize how their own assumptions and beliefs contribute to their negative emotions, and how to overcome their psychological difficulties (e.g., anxiety, depression etc.) by changing these negative thoughts. ‘Cognition’ means thought process and perceptions and ‘Behavior’ includes what we do and what we say. CBT is a relatively shorter term therapy that provides clients with practical and effective skills, which they can begin to apply immediately. These powerful tools can be used for future problems should they arise.
The cognitive part of CBT utilizes cognitive restructuring-reframing thinking to modify emotions and behavior. The behavioral part of CBT introduces various behavioral strategies to improve overall functioning. These include systematic desensitization, exposure, graded flooding, self-relaxation training, and extinction.
Individual Therapy
The one-on-one CBT provides individuals with useful and effective strategies to address their social-emotional concerns. Dr. Ilani is supportive, interactive and direct. In CBT, the therapist and the client are “partners” and work together during treatment. CBT is relatively brief in duration and includes strategies for measuring progress, so treatment techniques can be altered for maximum effectiveness. Both current and Long-term issues are addressed with CBT and with other useful techniques, such as “Mindfullness” and Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT). Using this approach, Dr. Ilani aims to create long-lasting improvements by teaching the individual to recognize their own strength and provide them with effective tools to manage their existing issues as well as cope effectively with their future challenges.
Holistic Approach
Dr. Ilani treats each individual as a unique person and assesses their total life needs. In addition to considering your social-emotional concerns, Dr. Ilani will help you assess your overall functioning by taking into account your physical health, nutritional patterns, social strength or challenges, recent life changes, cultural differences and adjustments, and your career goals.
Dr. Ilani is a psychologist and does not prescribe medication. However, in case your condition requires medication in addition to Cognitive-Behavioral therapy, Dr. Ilani will refer you to a primary care physician or a psychiatrist, depending on your needs.
Dr. Ilani has a high success rate with her individuals and couples. She is dedicated to providing the highest quality psychological care.